
Working to implement Orienteering Australia operational activities.

about committees

Orienteering Australia has several Committees that carry out operational work on behalf of the Board.

Each Committee has a Chair who is responsible for leading the work of the respective Committee. They are appointed by the Board unless the Board determines otherwise.

The Committees of Orienteering Australia are:

  • Technical
  • Mapping
  • Events
  • Awards
  • High Performance Management Group
  • High Performance and Coaching
  • Participation
  • Investment
  • Whiteside Bequest Grants

The Terms of Reference for each OA Committee is found in the Operations Guide document 1.7 Duties of Committees.

technical committee

The Technical Committee carries out work related to the technical standards of orienteering such as rules development and event controlling.

The Technical Committee consists of a Chair (Blair Trewin) and a representative from each Member State/Territory.

Mapping Committee

The Mapping Committee plays a key role in supporting the production and application of appropriate standards of orienteering maps, the sporting stadia of orienteering.

The composition of the Committee is determined by the Board taking into consideration the recommendation of the Chair (Neil Barr), who is appointed by the Board.

Events Committee

The Events Committee carries out work related to the scheduling of National events on behalf of the Board.

The Committee consists of a Chair (Greg Hawthorne), appointed by the Board, and a representative of each Member/State Territory.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee works in partnership with the Manager, Awards to facilitate the recognition of orienteers who make a significant contribution to Australian orienteering.

The Committee consists of a Chair, appointed by the Board, and consists of 5 persons and reflecting gender balance and State diversity in its composition. Awards Committee members are appointed for a 2-year period and may serve for a maximum of 4 periods on the committee. At least one member of the Awards Committee must be either a current or immediate past member of the Board of Orienteering Australia.

high performance Management Group

The High Performance Management Group (HPMG) is responsible for the operation of foot orienteering performance and coaching programs. MTBO performance and coaching programs are managed by the MTBO Commission.

The HPMG consists of the Director, Performance as Chair, Director, Technical, High Performance Administrator, the Head Coach, and the Manager, Coaching Development, A representative of the Athletes Commission may attend meetings of the HPMG as an observer but not participate in decision making matters.

High Performance and Coaching Committee

The High Performance and Coaching Committee supports the Manager, Coach Development in the development and implementation of coaching curricula, the delivery of coaching education aligned with the OA Coaching Framework and performance training opportunities.

The Committee consists of the HPMG, the Manager Coaching and Officiating Accreditation, two persons from each member State/Territory representing performance and at least one member of the Athletes Commission. The Manager, Coaching Development (Brodie Nankervis) chairs the Committee.

Other interested members of a Member State/Territory may attend meetings of the Committee and (subject to the agreement of the Chair) take part in discussions.

Participation Committee

The Participation Committee has responsibility for supporting the Manager, Participation in the development and implementation of the Participation Plan to increase participation and will work towards making participation in orienteering safe, welcoming, inclusive and fun so everyone can belong and thrive.

The composition of the Participation Committee consists of the Manager, Participation, and one person from each member State/Territory representing participation. The Manager, Participation chairs the Committee. The Committee operates as the Participation and Engagement Network.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee manages the investment of the proceeds of the Moira Whiteside Bequest for funding targeted payments to OA on a long-term sustainable basis consistent with the Moira Whiteside Bequest conditions, and the investment of OA funds.

The Committee has minimum of 3 members with relevant expertise and experience of investment shall form the Committee. The Committee monitors its own composition and succession plan and recommend changes to the Board. The OA Director, Finance is a member of the Committee and has oversight of the work of the Committee on behalf of the Board.

Whiteside Bequest Grants Committee

The Whiteside Bequest Grants Committee receives applications, considers and makes recommendations to the Board of OA for project funding targeted to grow participation at Australian Championships (Australian 3 Days, Australian Championships and Australian MTBO Championships), from The Whiteside Bequest.

The Committee has 4 members with relevant expertise and experience of orienteering administration and consists of:

  • OA Board Member (Chair),
  • An orienteer connected to Moira Whiteside,
  • 2 additional persons.

The Committee is gender diverse and requires representatives from four different Member States/Territories. The Board nominates the Chair, the orienteer connected to Moira Whiteside and calls for expressions of interest for the 2 additional persons. The maximum term for a member of the Committee is 4 years.


Join an oa Committee

Interested in contributing to your sport. Contact the OA Office or your member state/territory to find out how. We'd love to hear from you.