
Keep up to date with orienteeirng news across Australia


e-News is a monthly email bulletin to subscribers that is published in the last week of every month. It provides a range of information such as previews and announcements of major events across Australia, activities of the Board and Office of Orienteering Australia, what’s going on in our national participation programs, summaries of major international and national events, lots of tips about how to improve your orienteering, and profiles of orienteers.

How to SubsCribe

You can opt-in to subscribe to e-News when you become a member of Orienteering Australia via our member states/territories and clubs on Eventor, our membership, events and results portal.

Alternatively click the link below and fill out your details to receive e-News to your inbox every month.

e-News Archive

Check out the archive of e-News to catch up on news and information you may have missed.

Masters competitor in a bush orienteering event. Photo: Kelvin Meng