
Join our team to help grow our sport

Paid positions

For any recruitment enquiries please email Arpad Kocsik (General Manager) at gm@orienteering.asn.au

Participation Positions

Orienteering Australia (OA) is offering two contractor positions to enhance the sport and increase participation. 

Controller Accreditation Learning Resources Developer/s (Contractor Position/s)

Volunteer positions

Orienteering Australia values all contributions to our great sport. Here are additional opportunities to enhance orienteering.

State/Territory Participation Coordinators

One great development for orienteering participation this year will be the establishment of a Participation Committee. We are currently looking for one representative from each state/territory to become the State Participation Coordinator.

The OA Board approved the creation of a Participation Committee at the end of 2024, the duties of the committee can be found in the Operations Guide (1.7). The Participation Committee will assist greatly in the flow of communication from OA to the state/territory organisation and clubs. It will primarily work to implement the Participation Plan and develop a new plan when the current plan expires. The committee will officially meet 4 times per year, and unofficially every other month through the Participation and Engagement Network meetings. 

For more information please contact Daniel Stott (Manager, Participation) participation@orienteering.asn.au or your state/territory President or Secretary.