
Ensuring that orienteering is a clean and safe sport


Orienteering Australia (OA) has policies to ensure that orienteering is a clean and safe sport under a framework that seeks to:

  • address and deter the use and distribution of illegal drugs in sport.
  • ensure that only appropriately qualified people provide science and medicine services to athletes.
  • ensure that medications and injections are only given to athletes as part of appropriate medical treatment.
  • ensure that supplements are used and distributed safely in sport with a focus on evidence-based use.


While few people are absolutely required to undertake education (as well as brief annual updates), the courses are free and easy to do for everyone. Log into the Sport Integrity Australia portal to start.

Personnel CategoryCourseTesting Pool AthletesInternational Level^National LevelState LevelOther Club
ATHLETES, COACHES & SUPPORT PERSONNEL*Anti-Doping FundamentalsREQUIREDREQUIREDRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
Annual UopdateREQUIREDREQUIREDRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
WhereaboutsREQUIRED (RTP athletes and coaches only)REQUIREDRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
MEDICAL PRACTITIONERSMedical Practitioner CourseREQUIREDREQUIREDRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
COACHESCoaches CourseREQUIREDREQUIREDRecommendedRecommendedRecommended
PARENTSParents' Guide to Clean SportRecommendedRecommendedRecommendedRecommendedRecommended

^National Teams as named and endorsed by OA
*Support Personnel includes any coach, trainer, manager, agent, team staff, official, medical, paramedical personnel, or any Other Person working with, treating or assisting an Athlete participating in or preparing for sports Competition.

Therapeutic USE exemption (TUE)

What is a therapeutic use exemption (TUE)?

The TUE is an option for eligible athletes who need to use a prohibited medicine for their health. There are very specific eligibility criteria for issuing one of these as follows:

  • The athlete is one who could be drug-tested.
  • The drug is prohibited on the GlobalDRO status.
  • There is no reasonable therapeutic alternative.
  • There is a need for an in-advance TUE.

The guidelines for granting a TUE are: 

  • The athlete would experience significant health problems if they didn’t use it.
  • It would return the athlete to baseline health status only and not give a performance advantage.
  • There is no reasonable alternative.
  • The condition to be treated wasn’t caused by prior drug abuse.

More information is available as well as the application process at the Sport Integrity Australia website (

Please contact the OA Chief Medical Officer for any questions regarding a TUE in the first instance.

Policies and Links

OA Anti-Doping Policy   (This link takes you to Sports Integrity Australia)

IOF Anti-Doping Policy

OA Contacts

OA Chief Medical Officer (

OA National Integrity Unit (