
Public liability insurance documents


Orienteering Australia takes out an annual public liability insurance to provide coverage in the unlikely event of any property damage in connection with Australian orienteering activities.

Specifically this relates to:

  • Orienteering (including Orienteering Events, Mountain Bike Orienteering Events, Ski Orienteering Events, Trail Orienteering Events, Orienteering Events for Athletes with a Disability, and Running and Walking Events organised by a state or territory orienteering Association or club.
  • Organised orienteering coaching sessions.
  • Preparation of orienteering maps by authorised orienteering mappers at planned venues for orienteering events.
  • Orienteering committee meetings and workshops using leased, rented or hired premises.
  • Authorised activities related to the storage, maintenance and use of orienteering equipment.

Event organisers must ensure all events are listed in Eventor, the Australian event, result and membership portal.

Insurance documents

2025 Certificate of Currency – This is the preferred document to provide to landowners, land managers, councils, authorities and institutions when requesting access/event permission.

2025 Certificate of Currency + Counterparties – Only provide this document if a landholder wishes to see that they are named in the list of counterparties.

Note –  If a landowner wishes to be added to the list, this can be arranged by contacting the OA General Manager. Do not contact the insurer or the broker directly, as costs may be incurred.

Last Update: 25/02/2025