The Australian Jamboree for scouts aged 11-14 is concluding after a week of camping, activities and entertainment… and orienteering is one of the ‘Adventure’ activities on offer. About 4000 scouts are experiencing the thrill of orienteering during the 10-day Jamboree in Maryborough, QLD.
Gordon Bossley and Craig Steffens from Orienteering Queensland have organised the orienteering experience in the forest adjacent to the tent city. Six rounds of 13-20 scout patrols are cycling through the orienteering score event every day. Patrols are given instructions and equipment to navigate to as many controls as possible within the given time. Those that plan well and work as a team have the most success!
This is a huge opportunity to share the challenge and excitement of orienteering with scouts and their leaders and parents. They are an audience that would love orienteering; these youth and their parents are interested in the outdoors, having an adventure and willing to travel.
The OQ and OA teams have been working together to facilitate further orienteering opportunities after the Jamboree. There are dedicated webpages with info and contact forms, an online information session for scout leaders will be on the 22nd Jan, and state and territory coaching coordinators are working together to support interested leaders.
It is wonderful to see the connections that exist between orienteering and scouting. It will be beneficial to continue to support these and further develop the relationships at all levels: scouts and their families, leaders, and the organisations.
Online meeting for Scout Leaders interested in orienteering: details can be found on Eventor.
News articles can be found here and here.